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feeder fishing with Steve Ringer

monthly online

video and FREE e-mag

86 MINUTE HD VIDEO - Steve visits his favourite Ferry Meadows to show us some his secrets for catching big bream on a variety of feeders.


86 minute HD video

Only £3.99

FREE 30 page e-mag

issue 8

on sale now

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A warm welcome to Issue 8 of Feeder Fishing with Steve Ringer. Steve now presents Feeder Fishing every month and his aim is to bring you the very best information to help take your feeder fishing to the next level.

Visiting a variety of venues, this month Steve is fishing at Ferry Meadows, a natural venue and a large expanse of water where his quarry is big bream. It's not an easy venue but if you;re willing to work hard the rewards are there so follow Steve's advice and you'll be well equipped to tackle this type of venue.

Steve is the best feeder angler in the world and to have the unique opportunity to share his practice sessions is incredible and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy filming them and putting them together.


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